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    怎么在nslookup中使用另一个dns 服务器作为解析器

    发布时间:2013-10-09 00:00 作者:win10 64位系统 来源:http://www.win10jihuo.com




      nslookup [-opt ...] host server

      例如,要使用Cloudflare dns服务器的1.1.1.1来解析techjourney.net的ip地址,请执行以下操作:

      nslookup techjourney.net



      > server


      只需键入“ help”直接显示你可以使用的其他命令,或如下所示:

      Commands: (identifiers are shown in uppercase, [] means optional)

      nAME - print info about the host/domain nAME using default server

      nAME1 nAME2 - as above, but use nAME2 as server

      help or ? - print info on common commands

      set opTion - set an option

      all - print options, current server and host

      [no]debug - print debugging information

      [no]d2 - print exhaustive debugging information

      [no]defname - append domain name to each query

      [no]recurse - ask for recursive answer to query

      [no]search - use domain search list

      [no]vc - always use a virtual circuit

      domain=nAME - set default domain name to nAME

      srchlist=n1[/n2/.../n6] - set domain to n1 and search list to n1,n2, etc.

      root=nAME - set root server to nAME

      retry=x - set number of retries to x

      timeout=x - set initial time-out interval to x seconds

      type=x - set query type (ex. A,AAAA,A+AAAA,AnY,CnAME,Mx,ns,pTR,soA,sRV)

      querytype=x - same as type

      class=x - set query class (ex. in (internet), AnY)

      [no]msxfr - use Ms fast zone transfer

      ixfrver=x - current version to use in ixFR transfer request

      server nAME - set default server to nAME, using current default server

      lserver nAME - set default server to nAME, using initial server

      root - set current default server to the root

      ls [opt] doMAin [> FiLE] - list addresses in doMAin (optional: output to FiLE)

      -a - list canonical names and aliases

      -d - list all records

      -t TYpE - list records of the given RFC record type (ex. A,CnAME,Mx,ns,pTR etc.)

      view FiLE - sort an 'ls' output file and view it with pg

      exit - exit the program


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